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unrelated to anything

Poster: Rcardiff@aol.com

Good sir,
     Do you live in the Gainesville Area? I am in Atlantia, (and couldn't
care less about the politics going on right now. I have always had lots of
fun in Trimaris). I have a close friend in Gainesville that I have been
trying to get into the SCA, but he has only met the university group and
describes them as having 'pocket protectors on their T-tunics'. I hope to
hook him up with the more mature members--he is 30. People down there may
have seen him on a mead commercial, of all things. He is the 'Screaming
Viking' from a local Mead Brewery.
     Anyway, let me know if I have the right person. Bek and Tempus suggested
that I contact Sir 'Shosie' --I'm spelling it phonetically and horribly
incorrectly, and your name looked like it might be the one I'm looking for.
Again, let me know.

                                  Thanks, and I hope to meet you at Pensic
                                              Lady Miriam--who tends to be
better known as
                                                  the wife of Brok the Magic
Badger Blacksmith
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