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Re: a few unrelated questions

Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@dakota.widomaker.com>

Daniel of Rutland responded to Corun who responded to Vincetta:
>> > ...lining a homemade mug with "liquid glass" to keep it safe for
>> > drinking. Does anybody out there now know more on this?
>> I'm afraid I've never heard of this.

>> > 2) Are there any companies that refurbish/reseal big, old, nylon
>> > tents? Any way I can do it at home?

>> Don't know of any companies that do this, but you can get Thompson's
>> Water Sealer and do it yourself at home, and probably cheaper since
>> you won't hvae to pay for labour.
> I strongly recommend against this.  I don't believe Thompson's is fit 
> for human consumption and it is not permanent, thus will come off in 
> you.

I don't believe nylon tents are fit for human consumption either. Blech.

On a more serious note, is Thompson's on nylon flexible enough once it
dries, or will it crack and be useless the first time you roll up the
tent? I've only ever heard of Thompson's being used on wood.


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