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Re: Leifr, please read

Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>

Bryce and Kevin write:

> I can only hope that in this society of chilvary and
> courtousy, that the above last few lines, were a hastly written
> mistake, and not the mean-spirted bad humor they now appear to
> be.As a friend of Myles and Owain, I am shocked. As a member of
> our Kingdom, I am ashamed. I can only hope that you can explain
> this to this List, your Knight, your King to whom your fealty
> runs, the Barony of Marinus, and most importantly Baroness
> Owain.( Or is she like Duke Micheal, fair game to your attacks,
> since she is not subscribing to this list.)
> Awaiting your reply,
> Bryce de Byram
> s0jswelc@cabell.vcu.edu
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If I may hazard a guess....
> 	When investigating whether or not a group could give monetary
> 	offers of support to an individual, we found it was not possible
> 	for a non-profit organization to do this.  *However*, from one
> 	organization to another, this was ok.  So I think he was suggesting
> 	that we create an "organization" that is "Tragically Widowed.."
> 	so that she could receive official Kingdom support (from poetry
> 	publishing proceeds) without any legal issues.
> 	I'd guess the sarcastic undertones were due to an annoyance with the
> 	law, not with the situation.  (Though the wording could have been
> 	a little clearer, Leifr... ;-)
> 	[But, I'm just coming up with the best possible answer. =) ]
Guys, et al, it was not sarcastic, it was not meant as humor.  I simply 
did not remember her Excellency's name when I wrote.  I think it would be 
really nice if instead of complaining, you two both got down to it and 
wrote a poem, so we could sell a book, so that we could give the Baroness 
the proceeds.  Is that a BAD idea.

................. (sound of teeth grinding)

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