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Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

Byram wrote:
>As to the intrest in a collection for Owain, there already is
>one.(Perhaps Lord Rabah could illuimate us with
>details)Although, I certainly don't have a problem with
>collecting poetry, as a general rule.

I'm sure there were (and probably still are) many sympathy cards going
around various groups to be given to Owain.  It is easy to slip a check into
the envelope.

Also, her name and address are in the Acorn, and checks can be sent that way
if one wishes to do so.

It's faster to do that than spend time trying to find the 'official' collection.

As for the poetry book, I'd rather spend $10 (or whatever the cost would be)
on a check directly to Her Excellency, than spend $10 on a book of poetry I
wouldn't read, and have only part of that money go to her.

        - Anarra
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