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Re: Bad spelling

Poster: Michael_Ford@notesgw.hns.com

>I'll do better next time m'lord.  When I posted it, I thought something was 
>wrong, but my spell checker obviously doesn't know any better either;^).  Have 
>        [Sean:  Your spell checker isn't a grammar checker.  The word "naive" 
>        perfectly acceptable to a spell checker.

Don't be so knave JB, note the smiley ;^).

>        I thought it was quite amusing as a play on words until I found out it 
>        was a mistake...

>        Shouldn't have admitted to it, Sean...you were doing so well!

Let's see, my Knight says I spelled badly, you say I was doing so well, hmmm... 
I think I have to listen to my Knight, since he hits me harder and more often 
than you.
>        [_I_ thought he was serious...]

Now who was naive?:^)

>        Ld. JB

Sean MacKay
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