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Banter: Just 'cause I want to have fun
Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>
Don't Break the Knight
by Leifr Johansson
Don't break the knight the squires I told
And plainly 'fore them laid my fears
For has not fought as son is old
First time armoured in eighteen years
Don't break the knight Thomas I pray
I know you claim Outman's lost self
But leave this knight for other day
Add not a notch to your red belt
Don't break the knight from days of old
Though wit is still as fast and keen
When Sean and Angus fought was bold
"As both are kilt'd let one be queen"
Don't break the knight if even though
To Cariadoc he was esquired
And Angus knighted him, you know
The Limitations has expired
Don't break the knight I spoke most stern
And tried to keep him from all harm
So Saw the cast, sorrow'd to learn
T'was I who broke Shin'wassee's arm
Atlantia also has the best light poetry of the Knowne World (right??).
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