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Re: period insults

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

Corun MacAnndra scripsit:

>If you want some decent, period insults, I have an Elizabethan (read
>Shakspearean) Insult Generator. You just pick on from column A, one from
>column B and one from Column C. I printed this up in the Drekkar when I was
>Storvik Chronicler, and I'm sure I still have a copy floating around if
>anyone is interested. Also, there is a book called simply Shakespeare's
>Insults, and is a compilation of some of his best lines.

Oh, please, please, Gentle Baron, Magnificent Archer, and Dread Mongol
Warrior, pleeeeease post this to the Merry Rose so that all may benefit from
your munificence.  I am getting _so_ tired of mundane insults like "You

(Is this sufficient show of interest, my lord?)


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