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Re: Good Gentles wanting to find

Poster: michael.f.dullaghan@adn.alcatel.com (Mike Dullaghan)

Tibor Writes:
> Someone I don't know said:
>   >     I would ask to be granted a boon.  I am searching for some dear friends,
>   > formerly members of the Barony of the Far West,
> And someone else I don't know said:
>   XXXXXXXXX is presently senechal of the Shire of YYYYYYYY, [...]
> Gentles, because my wife works (rarely) with families in dire circumstances,
> may I point out a small security issue?  Sometimes people don't *wish* to be
> found.


> Please consider answering such messages by saying "Please, give me your
> contact information, and I will pass it to them", instead of simply providing
> a trail to the sought-after gentles.  It may be the greater kindness.

I too have had some depressingly direct experience in dealing with
such difficulties and their aftermath. This is good advice and should
generally be followed on the basis of simple privacy as well as
healthy paranoia.

In this particular case I would expect that such is not an issue,
since the individuals in question were still using the same Society
names the original poster knew them by, and were holding offices that
would result in these names and contact information being published in
various newsletters.

Michael the Eclectic, House Falconguard, Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia 

Vert, on an inverted chevron or, a reremouse(bat) displayed sable 
Armed man = citizen.  Unarmed man = subject. 
Of course these are MY opinions! Whattya think, my EMPLOYER 
could've thought this stuff up? 
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