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Re: your mail

Poster: jonesj@SunBelt.Net (Phillip Jones)

On Wed, 24 Jul 1996 21:31:24 -0400 (EDT), you wrote:

>Poster: "Greg Lindahl" <lindahl@pbm.com>
>> Craig Shirgold is a 7 year old boy who lives in Keen, N.H. He is dying
>> from an inoperable brain tumor.
>This is urban legend. He got better. Please stop spreading this.
>-- greg

Greg, I felt the same way when Christiana asked me to put this on the
internet. The only thing that convinced me to do so (besides her
considerable charm, of course) was the address. I sorta feel like it
is worth a shot. My net loss is the 32 cent stamp, and whatever it
costs me to print up a card. The gain is immeasurable (yeah, I can
spell) if the request is genuine. But I TellyawhatImgonnado. I'll CALL
them(the Children's Wish Foundation) tomorrow and check, but if it is
genuine, I'll expect YOU to guarantee 10 cards, okay?
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