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Re: ?

Poster: "Christine Jurand" <cjurand@awod.com>

My lord Geophri,
       As a resident of South Carolina, I welcome you!  I believe the area
you will move to (Clemson) is but maybe 30 minutes away from Greenville,
which falls into the boundaries of the Barony of Nottinghill
Coill....perhaps this would also put you within the boundaries of the
Canton of Falcon Cree.  The number for the Baronial Seneschal is (803) 
699-9621, and his SCAdian name is Donal Makbriar (mks Gary Bryers).  He
could give the information you are looking for.  The seneschal for the
Canton of Falcon Cree is named Astel Sandeland (mka Charles Turner), and
can be reached at (803) 244-4406.  
      Good luck, milord...I look forward to meeting you at a future event!
                           Lady Gabrielle Gasparella
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