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Re: Archery ????

Poster: Aelfgar GreySeas <aelfgar@access.digex.net>

Nice try, Corun! On the Aelfgar Archery Spiffiness scale of one to ten, you
score a definite 'not bad'.

Okay, here we go. A Royal Round consists of the following:
1 untimed round of 6 arrows at 40 yards
Same at 30 yards
Same at 20 yards
1 timed round (30 seconds) at 20 yards
for a total of 4 rounds.

An IKAC is a little more exercise:

2 untimed rounds of 6 arrows at 40 yards
2 timed rounds (30 seconds) at 40 yards
Same at 30 yards
Same at 20 yards
for a total of 12 rounds.

Both are, of course, great fun for one and all.

Shamelessly plugging archery, as always,

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