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Message for Clerk of the Signet(Re: searching for scroll)

Poster: Michael Ford/HNS <Michael_Ford@notesgw.hns.com>

Forgive me for posting this on the net, but my messages to the Clerk of the 
Signet are bouncing, even when I reply to her message:^\.  Have fun my friends,

Sean MacKay

>I'm having a hard time finding either of your wife's names anywhere.  I'm not 
sure what this means.  What was the award?  Who did she receive it from?  I'll 
cross reference with the Order of Precedence to be sure.  It'll probably be in 
there under her old name.  If so I'll just add it back to my database.  
Sometimes lists get lost or can be incomplete from a reign and individuals 
unfortunately fall through the cracks.

Good afternoon,

Sorry I wasn't able to reply to this earlier, but my mail was not getting 
delivered to me.  It is an AoA given by Dafydd and Elizabeth at Pennsic 
XVII(88').  Hope this helps,

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