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Mundane Military/SCA Overlap <was: My Thanks for the Information>

Poster: Robert_M_HAMMOND@umail.umd.edu (rh109)

>Poster: oddcuple <oddcuple@bayserve.net>
<<< cut>>>
>well...that would be amusing, to say the least. :) (Joke) perhaps we
>could enlist their aid for major battle-tipping advantage? (lol)
>As my skills (so far) are limited to archery, I will refrain from
>further comments on battle. ;)
>--Elizabeth Hobbs

This reminds me of a comment made many years ago, back when a group (a shire
I think) was organized on the USS Nimitz.  Ths comment involved that group
being the only shire with nuclear capability.  I don't think we were ever
really tempted to mention that in Pennsic negotiations......  :)

Michael of Hammond

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