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sekanjabin... yogurt?

Poster: angharad melys <lisa@privnet.com>

unto the merry rose, from melys, greetings!

having forgotten to get groceries last night, i was contemplating some
creative combinations of the odds & ends in my fridge while making dinner.
(ever watch two third-grade boys playing "i dare you to eat that" with
their school lunch? *grin*)

feeling fairly adventurous, i tried mixing a bit of sekanjabin with the
last of my (nonfat, unflavored) yogurt for dessert.  it's actually quite
tasty, if you get the proportions right!  i've never had mint yogurt
before...  probably be a good dip for a fruit plate, too.

						just a passing thought,


angharad melys, scholar
sacred stone / windmaster's hill, atlantia

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