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RE: The Pennsic Silence :-)

Poster: Louise Sugar <dragonfyr@tycho.com>

Meli at least there is the Pennsic Pity party on Saturday 8/10 at 5 PM if you cannot go  <weak smile>


From: 	Sharon Henderson[SMTP:sharon@intercon.com]
Sent: 	Thursday, August 08, 1996 4:38 PM
To: 	atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu
Subject: 	The Pennsic Silence :-)

Poster: "Sharon Henderson" <sharon@intercon.com>

>      Ah, yes...the deafening quiet of Pennsic Panic. 
>      Wait until next week...the quiet will become silence. 
>      We're still with you, Falcone. 
>      Tadhg 

> Ahem....... 
> Just wondering if I have been unsubscribed, or if noone is posting.....
> or if anyone is out there at all. 
> Falcone 

I'm still here.... we have a deadline that just ran over my vacation, so it 
looks as if I won't get to go at all--unless the gods smile upon me, and I can 
get this puppy to ship in time to drive like mad, whipping the horses into a 
frenzy, and making my way out to Pennsic for the Last Weekend....  :-(

Sometimes, the software industry sucks big rocks through a straw....

Meli ferch Iasper
Slave to Software Quality Control  :-)

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