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Re: Joisey (was Re: Test Message - Please i)
Poster: Tom Brady <tbrady@nando.net>
On Fri, 9 Aug 1996, Dave Montuori wrote:
> When asked "what exit" I say "eight and a half, off I-280"
> and wonder how my friends in Flemington or Sussex County (not near any
> exit at all) would answer such a question.
When I lived in Sussex County (Andover, right near Sparta), we preferred
to pretend we weren't in New Jersey at all. That area of the state is
beautiful, sorta reminiscent of the foothills of Upstate South Carolina.
It's been *years* since I've been back there, though - probably developed
all the heck by now. Bleah.
- Duncan, who leaves for Pennsic in three days and needs the vacation!
Tom Brady tbrady@nando.net SCA: Duncan MacKinnon of Tobermory
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