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Fighting in the South
Poster: Logan and Arielle <logan123@charlotte.infi.net>
Greetings from HRH Logan
I hate to break up the thread that put 58 messages on My email with
something other than the topic but........
This Sunday Eorl Syr Kane and Myself are trying to muster up as many
people as possible to come down to Charlotte for a day long fighter
practice/picnic. The kick off time is between 11 and 11:30 Sunday
morning with eats starting around 5:30. We have crash space available
for Sat. and Sun. nights (considering most won't be working Monday) and
maybe we will all go mob someplace Sunday night. Her Highness would love
to see some Rapier fighters there as well. But if you are worried about
Me getting on a mask and grabbing a foil well............. If you are
interested please email Me directly and I will give you all the pertinent
information. Or call Us at 704-399-1200. Hope to see you there!
Serving Atlantia and all Her people
ps If you have ever thought of flying a banner with a black wolf rampant
reguardant on a quarterly red and white field with some counter-changed
cresents on it...........forget it
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