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Re: Heraldic Side Note

Poster: clevin@rci.ripco.com (Craig Levin)

Rosalind dixit:

> >Considering that the Suns are invisible, being Or on an Or field,
> >I wouldn't be so sure of that....;-)
> >Craig Levin
> Oops - thanks VERY much for pointing that out - I messed up my signature
> file when I transferred it to a new computer. See the emended one at the
> bottom of this missive, and you'll agree now it is quite lovely, and thanks
> to THL Achbar for his heraldic help on my porch that fine summer day...Rosalind
>     -----------------------------------------------------------
>     Rosalind Jehanne 
>     Paradox Keep in the Shire of Drachentor    
>     Or, a Rose Gules, in Chief Vert Three Suns Or 
>     -----------------------------------------------------------

More like: Or, a rose Gules, _on_ a chief Vert three Suns Or.
Craig Levin
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