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Banishment and Outlawry

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com

>>>> assassins had been outlawed by the Crowns of Atlantia
>>> No one has outlawed anyone.  I've not read that anyone even suggested
>>> outlawing anyone.
>>Earl Dafydd, as King, effectivily outlawed the guild down in Tidewater.
>>And His Excellency seems to be in favor of outlawing UBAG.
> Are you suggesting that if a member of UBAG showed up at an SCA event and
> did not participate in assassinations that King Dafydd would have ordered
> them to leave?
> Or that Earl Daffyd is advocating that they be ordered to leave?
> That is not at all how I interpreted his postings.

That's not how _I_ interpreted them either.

To order someone to leave is _banish_ him (or them).

To _outlaw_ someone, I understand, means to declare them outside the
protection of the law; a punishment that's now called 'civil death'.

Since Atlantia is not nearly as much in the protection business as
were kingdoms of the Period, I'm not sure of the effectiveness of
this in an SCA context.

I _have_ read, in this forum, of the Crown banishing individuals
(although not for this particular offense) and I've never been clear
on the actual implementation.

Is it the offender's persona that's ordered to leave, allowing him to
return with an alternate persona?

Or is it his physical body that's banished, allowing some body else
to bring the persona?

(Or is persona-transferance forbidden altogether?)

-- Alfredo
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
   -- Henry Ford

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