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Re: <banter>S'posin'

Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>

Bryce de Byram writes:
> Lord,
>      I wouldn't pretend to know your mind, about Lady Susanna;and
> i'm definitly not going attempt to interept your words,(I've made
> that mistake before ;-)... )

I assure I think only good and pure thoughts (brrppptt!!!!), of course.  
Lady Susanna is a most delightful child, shy, talented, energenic, and of 
	...authorized (heavy fighter).  I have an admitted weak spot for 
attractive ladies who are willing to put on armour and fight.  Which of 
course makes Cear Mear and increadibly dangerous place to visit ;-).

And I wish I knew enough French to read your poem.

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Leifr Johansson
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