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Re: Changes to law regarding tax-exempts

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  Tibor, you're right that the requirement to have 990s available for 
  inspection was "law long before July of this year."  Apparently the Congress 
  got ticked off because folks asking for copies of Form 990 were being given 
  a run-around, and so they passed a requirement that it be made "immediately" 
  available, that there not be excessive copying or processing charges, and 
  imposed a fairly hefty penalty for failure to comply.  The statute passed in 
  July was designed to put teeth in the pre-existing requirement to keep the 
  thing on hand.

Probably true.  The SCA charges quite a hefty fee, and does not keep everything
available that it is supposed to.  On the other hand, the fines were (if I
recall) 100 dollars a day BEFORE the new law.  (And since my request for one
form that has not been satisfied dates back to July 1994, that's a lot of

On the other hand, they are available from other sources.

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