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Re: Changes to law regarding tax-exempts

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

Tibor wrote:
>And I got some of my older ones [SCA's 1099 forms] from a California
company that 
>keeps them all, and sells them ...  darned if I remember who they are, though.

Not quite.

There are several companies in Sacramento, CA that will, for a fee, go to the
Attorney General's office and copy anything you want that is a public record.

Ana Ilevna and I (back in the days of the Great BoD Crisis of 1993) hired
one of these companies to copy the SCA's entire file.  It cost about $75 and
included the SCA's papers of incorporation and a few old editions of Corpora
as well as many years of 1099s and the forms that are California's
equivalent (990s??).

I recommend that if anyone else is contemplating requesting this file, that
they specify that the old copies of corpora do NOT need to be copied (unless
you're interested in that stuff.)

If one really really wants to know the names of some of those companies,
subscribe to the West list (listproc@ecst.csuchico.edu   "Subscribe sca-west"
) and then send them a message (sca-west@ecst.csuchico.edu) asking someone
in Golden Rivers to please look it up in the yellow pages.

SCA-West does not accept posts from people who are not subscribed, due to
list-spam problems in the past.


        - Anarra
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