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Poster: "Sharon Henderson" <sharon@intercon.com>

Humble greetings unto the denizens of both taverns this lovely day in the most 
wonderful kingdom in the known world, from a still-stunned and very, very 
grateful Meli:

> Unto the populace of fair Atlantia, comes joyous greetings this day 
> from Kevin of Thornbury! 
> 	Vivat to Her Excellency, Melusine Meleri ferch Iasper ap Dafydd 
> 	du. It was a privilege and honor to escort you to your 
> 	reward this weekend.  Know all that she was made a 
> 	court baroness, October 5, A.S. XXXI by Grant of Arms.

Kevin, you are a dear....  gentle friends, let it be known that this man, his 
lady wife the lovely and graceful Gwen, and our mutual beloved friend, 
Muireann ni Riordan, did get up at an ungodly hour Saturday morning in order 
to fetch me from the airport (some miles distant in Charlotte!) after driving 
all night to get to the event in the first place.... my conveyance arrived at 
8 AM, they had slept little and labored much for me, and I both appreciate it 
and love them all the more for it!

Let it also be known that my lady Rowan Berran McDowell of Roscommon and her 
family, Lord Ivan Neobmyte and Lady Kristin Ailbe Anmchlaid, made it possible 
for me to get to Coronation at all, after her gracious and wonderful Majesty, 
Arielle the Golden (May God prosper her in all her ways!) had with her most 
royal hand set into motion the events that have left me in a haze of 
happiness, amazement and delight since that moment....

And let it further be known that the aforesaid Kevin did miss his dinner at 
the wonderful Coronation feast after Court, in order that I could make it BACK 
to the airport and fly home again that selfsame night, in obedience to a 
higher authority I hesitate to call a mundane commitment.... (cantoring in 
Church for God.... not really a mundane thing, ne? <g>)

> 	Gramercy, Your Majesties, for your wise decision in 
> 	recognizing what those of us in northern Atlantia already 
> 	knew: her service, company and friendship are a blessing to 
> 	us all.   

I may just possibly be prejudiced, mind you, but I am of the opinion that we 
have the kindest, most wonderful Royals in the known world.... 

Unto their Majesties, whom God bless and keep, I wish to convey my deepest, 
most heartfelt thanks for the honor they have heaped upon my shoulders.  That 
they should, in their moment of joy and triumph, reach out in royal mandate to 
one such as I, touches me in a very special way.  From the bottom of my heart 
I thank them, with all the loyalty and service my being can offer.

The coronet with which their Majesties did gift me is a beautiful creation of 
leather, pearl, and lapis, created by one of the King's guardsmen, a gracious 
and talented young lord whose name entirely escaped me in my befuddled state 
at court.  If someone could please tell me what his name was, I wish to add my 
thanks to him, as well; I will cherish it always, both for the sake of the 
creator, and for the hands from which it came.

Thank you a thousand times, Gracious King and Queen, darling friends, and one 
and all!

In Service to Atlantia, to TRM Logan and Arielle, and to the Dream,


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