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Re: Acorn on the Web

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  Good show.  I agree, although I'm too much of a weenie most of 
  the time to express my thoughts so strongly.  For what it's worth,
  this person's opinion is that we should think long and hard before 
  creating another paperwork monster.  Can't we just make a list
  of Websites available?  

Back when Heirusalem was just Chronicler of the Midrealm, and she instituted
this policy, there was something of a firestorm on the Midrealm mailing list.
I immodestly admit that I was one of the people holding a torch...

She seems to feel that this is a way to be helpful... her motivations are good.
Despite being a professional journalist, she also sees centralized editorial
control as good... and nothing I could say would shake that assumption.

She's from the Midrealm: they need a lot of paper to burn to keep warm through
the winters... (:-)

	Tibor (decentralist par excellance, thankyouverymuch)
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