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Re: Acorn on the Web

Poster: "Hinson, Jerome" <hinson.msalan3@mhs.unc.edu>

Jeez.  I did not mean to imply (something that occurs with the ease of 
falling off a log hereabouts whether or not one so intends) that the web 
sites haven't been published.  (that's how I got here 
in the first place - thanks, Rabah).  I merely asked if publication of 
their locations wasn't sufficient.  Perhaps the names of the web 
architects could be added to the Acorn listing (just a thought) to 
give well-deserved credit where it is due.

Lady Ursula von Bremen
who seems to have tripped over Melys' soap box . . . . 
Kappellenberg, Windmasters' Hill

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