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Re: Yeah for US!! (YKTCPIARI)

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>

I don't want to have to ride herd on y'all, but honestly!  If this keeps up, 
you'll be branded punsters for life! And that's not just a barb!  (Not meaning 
to prod you, of course!)

> Poster: Louise Sugar <dragonfyr@tycho.com> 
> Oh No, Falcone don't tell me they have finally cowed you.....I am 
> udderly despondent over such bullying......and here I thought you 
> had calfed out your own little niche in the herd  ;D 
> Dragonfyr 
> Poster: Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <polearmed@worldnet.att.net> 
> Allah's Peace!! 
> MHWag@aol.com wrote: 
> > Poster: MHWag@aol.com 
> > How about going to war over a favorite cow? Aileen 
> Aileen, that's udderly rediculous.  Who in the world is going to hoof 
> it over to the border to butcher someone over a cow.  If I didn't 
> know better, I'd think you were just trying to milk this group for 
> a response.  I guess we have all farmed the group now and again, so 
> I don't mean to rib you. 
> Ok everybody, please don't get all leathered up and roast me over my 
> puns, you all know that I am a big cut-up.  I guess I should go 
> somewhere and hide. 
> Freakin' Moo!! 
> Falcone 

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