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Poster: Logan and Arielle <logan123@charlotte.infi.net>

Greetings from Logan and Arielle

By Our request there will be an alternate weapons practice following the 
conclusion of Our Crown List.  The purpose of this is to allow anyone who 
is interested in trying/learning a form other than weapon and shield to 
have the opportunity to do so.  We have asked the Chivalry to participate 
in this to help those who are interested.  This is not meant to 
discourage anyone who would like to get help with their w/s fighting from 
doing so as we will make time for that as well.  This should be a 
tournament style practice in adition to a one on one.  Please pass this 
on to anybody who you think may be interested.  Also if you think that 
you can help teach another weapons form please show up and bring your 

Serving Atlantia and all Her people

TRM Logan & Arielle

ps. to all Atlantians who came out to support the effort at Pointless you 
have Our thanks for a job well done!  Another sweeping Atlantian victory, 
even if it was "pointless".
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