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Re: Jobs and Cookies

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  There is a famous fallacy in logic: After This, Therefore Because Of This.
  (Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc?  My Latin isn't all that good).

There are plenty of good examples of confusion of cause and affect.  My
favorite one came from my wife.  Just because you take an aspirin for a
headache, doesn't mean that a lack of aspirin causes headaches...

post hoc \'po-st-'ha:k\ n [NL post hoc, ergo propter hoc after this,
   therefore because of thi]s : the fallacy of arguing from temporal sequence
   to a causal relation

Logic is such a booger to use.  (:-)

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