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A Rescue!

Poster: John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

Three weeks ago, after a failed bout of political infighting, my manager's
manager resigned. Monday, my manager resigned. Yesterday, in a bold surprise
move, my manager told me my 6 month new employee probation was over and he
had decided not to retain me. Today, I talked to HR and found everything to
be tidy and legal. I'm out of there. 

I feel rather like the ancient Egyptian servants must have felt when they 
were sacrificed at the death of the Pharoah.

Except that, unlike those servants, I must continue on in this world. I 
have a lady who loves me, and I plan to hold onto the all-important 
Fifth Secret Key of Universal Mastery even if I am not doing as well on 
the others as I might like. 

My goal is to have an unpdated resume, even if it is unpolished, ready to 
pass around at the Rutland party. I will likewise e-mail resumes to 
anyone who expresses an interest by next Monday. 

I expect this e-mail address will be valid for a little bit; but if a 
message should bounce, try jstrauss@poboxes.com, which I will keep 
pointed at whatever my real address is.

Henry the Kicked in the Teeth Kind of Guy
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