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Re: A Rescue!

Poster: Janet Toney/Terry Neill <71035.3227@CompuServe.COM>

John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu> wrote that he was in need of a job.

I don't know what you do, my lord, but my company does data.  Lots of data.

I work for EDS. And until October 31st, EDS is offering me and all other
employees a $1500 referral bounty on programmers, Database Analysts and other
technical types (the normal bounty is $500, which shows you how desperate they

If you are a computer type of guy, and e-mail me at 'NEILLTL@ptsc.slg.eds.com' I
will be more than happy to forward your resume to Recruiting.  (Even if you
e-mail me after October 31st!)


	Terry L. Neill
	Business Analyst
	(Sometimes known as Anarra Karlsdottir)

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