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Re: kane stories

Poster: "Thorpe, John" <thorpj@caepo1.columbiaSC.NCR.COM>

Unto the Patrons of the Merry Rose does Eldred send greetings.

Since Melys asked so nicely for Kane stories or memories:

I remember:

     ...bad heraldry just to see if a neophyte herald would
     notice or figure it out.  Even better, his awful animal
     attitudes for heraldry that had Heralds on the floor

     ..."Boo, bullet-head!" from the children at Camp
     Kaleidescope demo noting the shape of Kane's helm.
     In response to which, Lord Jonathan received the much
     more devastating, "Boo, bad shoes!"  Jonathan was
     unable to fight due to having convulsions of laughter.
     Next time, don't wear tennis shoes to a demo....8^)

     ...listening to Jonathan's truck squeak back into
     its rightful shape (such as it is) after Kane got out.

     ...his simple joy at the children processing their
     homemade dragon through his Court at Toys for Tots.
     Plus, little Moriah waving at the end with a "Hi, Kane."

     ...an unnamable baron trying to convince me to ask
     Kane if he was a Samoan.  Needless to say, I saw right
     through that--not everyone is THAT dumb.....

     ...our incorrigible punstering.

     ...Kane actually complaining that he was FULL at a feast!
     No $%^*, there we were in Cyddlain Downs; Kane at High
     Table moaning at the mention of dessert!!!!  We sent
     for the chiurgeon, but when the dessert tray found its
     way to the table, Kane managed to find more room

     ...his easy-going attitude.  I never once saw him lose
     his temper or ever heard him say anything bad about
     anyone.  I've seen and heard him take people to task
     (without even raising his voice) for besmirching
     someone else's name.  Kane IS a true example of
     Chivalry in the SCA, regardless that he is gone.

D*amn.  Now my keyboard is damp.  I'm really going to miss him...

In sorrow,

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