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Re: Disc: Philosopher's Stone

Poster: PETERSR@spiegel.becltd.com (Peters, Rise J.)

Alfredo, I think your most recent suggestion is both elegant and honorable. 
 But how do you keep the neighbors calm enough to allow you the leisure to 
pursue your further studies?  It's hard to practice alchemy from a jail cell 
. or a six-foot hole in the ground.  Do we have enough funds, in this 
hypothetical, to pay off the value of their claims while we work on 
talismen, etc?
From: atlantia
To: PETERSR; atlantia
Subject: Re: Disc: Philosopher's Stone
Date: Friday, November 01, 1996 2:49PM

X-Organization: The Merry Rose

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Alfredo el Filosofo)

I posed a hypothetical question, to which Dragonfyr made a thoughtful
and insightful reply.  I pointed out that her reply raised some new
questions, and she responded:

> Ahhh Alfredo, I bow to your wisdom.  I never thought of it that way.
> My apologies.  Perhaps I should remove this slipper from my mouth before
> replying again  :D

Good lady,
  Bowing to my wisdom is always good; you'd be shocked to find how
infrequently it occurs.  But, please, don't apologize for speaking
your mind; I did not find your reply to be the least bit insolent
(which word (I believe) is from the Latin "solea", "slipper").

How about this:
  Make a list of every gold item that was turned to lead.  Admit to
your neighbors that you made their gold vanish, but tell them you
need to make further study to find out where it went to and how to
restore it, although, in truth (as Lady Caitilin pointed out) you
can restore every item immediately with your apparatus.  This small
lie will give you some time to find whatever sort of talisman or
alloy will block your process.  After you have found this defense,
publish it widely.  _Then_ restore all your neighbors' gold items.

 -- Alfredo

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

A man held a makework political job, polishing the cannon in front of the
county courthouse. It kept him fed and let him put a little money aside,
but he wasn't getting ahead in the world. So one day he withdrew his life's
savings, bought a brass cannon -- and went into business for himself.
   -- Robert A. Heinlein, _The_Moon_Is_a_Harsh_Mistress_

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