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Re: Crown Tournament Results
Poster: angela@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Angela Pincha-Neel - ASCC)
There were 33 intended fighters, 26 of whom actually particpated. The pairings
were done as a completely random, blind draw with 6 byes thrown in to make the
list work out correctly. The first 7 names are in order of precedence, from
there its jumbled, so they're alphabetical. Here are 21 of the 26 fighters.
Someone elses's turn to add in the rest.
1. Duke Bertrand
2. Duke Cuan MacDaige
3. Earl Dafydd ap Gwystl
4. Count Kai
5. Earl Thorbrandr
6. Sir Knight in Blue whose name escapes me totally
7. Sir Amelric
8. Baron Achbar ibn Ali
9. Lord Alaric
10. Lord Dammuth
11. Lord Finn Marlan O'Shannon
12. Baron Ian
13. Lord Johann von Rothenburg
14. Lord Jonathan Backbow
15. Lord Leifr Johanssen
16. Lord Morgan
17. Lord Nasir
18. Lord Partha
19. Lord Ragnar
20. Lord Robert Dareth
21. Lord Wolfbrand (from Black Diamond)
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