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RE: Crown Tournament Results

Poster: "Thorpe, John" <thorpj@caepo1.columbiaSC.NCR.COM>

Greetings from Eldred!

>Unto the assembled gentles of Atlantia does Lord Duncan MacKinnon send
>It is my pleasure to relate to you that the new Royal Heirs of Atlantia are
>Prince Cuan MacDage and Princess Bera Thorbjorn. I am certain that the
>worthy heralds of Atlantia will fill in the entire list of entrants (28, I
>am told, but this is not verified), but the semifinals were between Sir Kai
>and Lord Dareth, and Duke Cuan and Earl Thorbrandr. The finals were between
>Duke Cuan and Lord Dareth, with Duke Cuan emerging victorious after one 
>with sword and shield followed by one bout with katana.
>In service to Atlantia,

Let's see, since Duncan was foolish enough to invoke us.....the Crown list 
 had 26
contestants.  Since there were 6 "byes" this should be the correct number. 
is not the complete list, but as many as I can remember based on the list I 
heralding, and who I knew was in the other list:

Duke Cuan MacDaige
Count Kai
Earl Thorbrandr
Lord Dammuth
Baron Achbar ibn Ali
Lord Johann von Rothenburg
Lord Jonathan Backbow
Baron Ian
Lord Alaric (someone had written in then scratched out 'Sir' on my card....)
Earl Dafydd ap Gwystl
Lord Nasir
Lord Leifr Johanssen
Lord Ragnar
Lord Morgan (Morgar?)
Duke Bertram de Flamepoing (I hope I got this right)
Lord Finn Marlan O'Shannon
Lord Dareth ???

Hey, I remembered almost 2/3rds of the list, that's not too bad...Someone
else care to finish it off?

In service,
Eldred AElfwald
Gordian Knot Pursuivant
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