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Re: Crown Tournament Results

Poster: Beth Morris <bmorris@access.digex.net>

Thorpe, John wrote:

> Let's see, since Duncan was foolish enough to invoke us.....the Crown list
>  had 26
> contestants.  Since there were 6 "byes" this should be the correct number.
>  This
> is not the complete list, but as many as I can remember based on the list I
> was
> heralding, and who I knew was in the other list:

Here's the additions and completions:
> Duke Cuan MacDaige
> Count Kai (Kikuchi no Tsuranaga) 
> Earl Thorbrandr Olafsson
> Lord Dammuth Angantyr
> Baron Achbar ibn Ali
> Lord Johann von Rothenburg
> Lord Jonathan Blackbow
> Baron Ian Mac Chatain
> Lord Alaric Sartiano 
> Earl Dafydd ap Gwystl
> Lord Nasir Khastagir
> Lord Leifr Johanssen
> Lord Ragnar Blackhammer
> Lord Morgan Emrys
> Duke Bertram de Flamepoing (I hope I got this right)
> Lord Finn Marlan O'Shannon
> Lord Dareth aka Robert de Rath
Sir Amalric Blackhart
Sir Godfried of Frisia
Lord Rasimus Weise
Lord Wulfbrand Weigand
Lord Hassan (pronounced Partha)
Lord Seamus Connachtach
Lord Bran MacConroai
Lord Borgar the Bright
Lord Gaston de Montrevel

In service,

Senex Atlantiae and coincidentally Minister of Lists for Crown Tourney

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