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Re: Crown Tourney Results Continued

Poster: "Thorpe, John" <thorpj@caepo1.columbiaSC.NCR.COM>

Greetings from Eldred!

>> 28: Ragnar Blackhammer
>> Fighting for
>> Lady Angharad Melys

>um, that would be LORD ragnar blackhammer, thank you. :)  the herald left
>it off announcing us, too - not blaming you, dominus herveus, i realize
>things were probably really hectic out there - and i was a bit perturbed.
>(on the other hand, rags was just amused - i suspect it would take
>something on the order of a nuclear attack to perturb him.)  anyway, you
>might want to check your records - i can find out when/where he was
>awarded arms, if that would help you any...
>anyone trying to flog the it's-just-a-cookie horse off this post will be
>consigned to /dev/null.  i mean it. :)

I thought I recognized the name on the card.  Lord Ragnar is not the
only person to be "demoted".  If I knew the person being announced,
I tried to prompt Herveus with the correct title (if necessary and I knew 
but I don't know everyone....8^(  Sorry to dispell the mythos of the
phenomenal heraldic ability to remember every name, device, and
title in the SCA.. 8^)

Yes, I was the tall, cranky herald at the King's list--y'all were a tough 

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