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Re: Crown Tourney Results Continued

Poster: E L Wimett <SILVERDRAGON@Charleston.Net>

Greg Prevost wrote:
> Poster: Greg Prevost <gregp@ix.netcom.com>

> Actually a small correction,  Robert de Rath (best know as Darieth of
> Clan O'Shannon was original placed wrong in the list but was moved
> before the procession started to around 14-15 since he has had his AOA
> for over 6 years.
> Picky ain't I?

Ah well, Janos, if you read the intro to the beginning message, you would note that I specifically said this was the order BEFORE 
corrections given to me at the event.  

(You see, Dearith of Clan O'Shannon who was in the OP with an AoA on 3/30/91, an Undine on 9/9/95 and a Marlin as recently as 7/13/96, but 
NEVER bothered to let me know that he had changed his name to Robert de Rath.  Now when I say Dearith and de Rath side by side fast they 
are similar, but I fear that neither I nor any of the other senior heralds were Kreskinesque to realize that Dearith = Robert.)

That'll learn you!  

Seriously, one of my major problems as Clerk of Precedence has always been the assumption on the part of people who change names, move 
into or out of kingdom, etc. that I will somehow pick this information out of the ether even though nobody bothers to tell me about it.  
For the last five years I have periodically written letters to that effect but with only limited success.  That I pick up as much as I do 
is a miracle!  As a matter of fact, I often pick up more "changes" as a result of Crown Tourney than I do for the whole remainder of the 
year. . . Psigh. . .)

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