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Re: Smoking on the field (fwd)

Poster: Kyle DuMatin <pandora@his.com>

At 12:42 AM 11/11/96 +0000, Phillip (field stripper) Bell wrote:
>Poster: jonesj@SunBelt.Net (Phillip Jones)


>"12.1.2 Smoking is forbidden in the central area of a Society event.
>The central area of an event is defined as any area where people must
>be present in order to
>participate in the event, such as the hall where a feast is taking
>place, or the lists and the area surrounding them during a tournament.
>The autocrat shall define the
>boundaries of the central area and the autocrat shall, if possible,
>provide some other area as convenient as may be found where smoking is
>permitted and made safe
>and practicable. Smoking is permitted in the interior of pavilion/home
>only with the express permission of the owner of the pavilion/home."
>So Sayeth the Law of Atlantia.


Frist,  I have yet to see a area were smoking is permitted even marked, let
alone one as convenient as may be found.  Nor have I seen a outside area
marked off as the no smoking zone.  Not that that is a big problem for me as
I find smoking in a crowed a pain.  I have to watch were I hold the
cigarette so I don't burn someone, or they brush up agains the lit end and
put a hole in their garb.  Also I try not to blow smoke at anyone.  So for
me the fist part of the kingdom law listed above is just what I try to do.

Now, as for the last part, I don't care what the king or kingdom law say's
at lest as it goes for my pavilion/home etc.  I and not the king desieds if
my guests need express permission to smoke or not.  That being said, I
should make note that I feel that it is my responabilty to ask before
smoking in someone's pavilion/home.  Most of the time I don't asks and just
go outside.

I am also one of the people that field strips and drops the non tobaco
part(s) in my pouch.  (I really need to find something to put them in when I
get a new pouch).

Now if it was His Majesty, and only if it was His Majesty, that was smoking
than I would say that the law has been changed as the king should be the
frist to up-hold the law.  If the law has not been changed then the king is
ether unware of the law or does not care about it.  Ether case is a sad
statment on the Crown and another subject.  I hope it was not the King.

Kyle DuMatin

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