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Re: Fencing ban in Meridies

Poster: Greg Prevost <gregp@ix.netcom.com>

> >Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 22:14:06 -0500
> >Subject: [TY] Fencing
> >
> >Unto the Populace of Meridies from Their Royal Majesties, Gareth and Rhiannon
> >come Greetings
> >
> >There are times during a reign when a crown must hand down hard decisions.
> > This is one of those times.  Due to a variety of factors, We must bring the
> >fencing experiment in Meridies to a close, effective immediately.  We take no
> >pleasure in having to make this decision.  We are well aware that some of you
> >will be disappointed.  For that, We are sorry.  Sorrier still We would be to
> >see one of you seriously or mortally wounded.

> >All of these factors together would not cause Us to end the experiment early.
> > However, due to the recent serious injury in a fencing accident, and the
> >penetration of a mask in another accident, We feel that safety has moved to
> >the forefront of the issue.  Safety dictates that We act now.  It is for
> >these reasons that We end the experiment.

You have to be kidding me!  Fencing is now a more dangerous pasttime
then Heavy Combat?  And outlawed by the King and Queen in Meridies? 
What were they fighting with?  Sabers?  Well, I know this, I rather have
any fencer come at me then Sir Forgal with a polearm! (GRIN)

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