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Re: MR: Stone of Scone

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Alfredo el Bufon)

Ciaran mac Breandain, wrote, re the Stone of Destiny:

> The Scotsman online newspaper has an article about it at
> the following URL:
> http://www.scotsman.com/public/news/ne02ston848041207.1.html

I found that I wasn't able to go directly to that page, but
when I tried one directory up I got a page to sign up.
The article says the Stone won't actually be installed at
Edinburgh Castle until St. Andrew's Day; probably the major
American news media are waiting till then to cover the story.

The Scotsman Online also had an online Forum on the subject,
"The rightful resting place of The Stone of Destiny upon its
return to Scotland".  One of the contributions was this:

  The Stone should be brought back amidst great pomp and ceremony,
  plenty of pipers and also a contingent of clarsach players, then
  dumped in a deep part of the Tay as close to Scone Palace as possible.
  The real Stone should then be disinterred and we can all have a good
  laugh at the Tories.  Psst - anyone know just exactly where on
  Dunsinnan Hill the real stone lies?

What's a clarsach?
Are there any clarsach players in Atlantia?

-- Alfredo
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