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MR: Hobbit Stereotypes

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Alfredo el Bufon)

Liuther map Conan, wrote, postscriptically:

> PS, I for one would gladly bring back hobbits in exchange for removing the
> authenticity police. I'd rather not have hobbits mind you, but I think on
> the whole they tended to be more agreeable to be around.

It's been a long time since I've read any Tolkien, so I may well be
mistaken, but it seems to me that most hobbits were very stuffy and
intolerant, _and_ given to pipe-smoking on the list-field.  I think
the dwarves would be better for livening up events.

I'll say this about hobbits though: they have the proper Scadian
idea of a "shire" being a small territory instead of something as
large as, say, an English County.

-- Alfredo

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

Mens regnum bona possidet (A good mind possesses a kingdom).
                    --Seneca: Thyestes, ii. 380.

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