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Re: Modern Personal Conveniences

Poster: Wynn Klosky <klosky@meeker.UCAR.EDU>

On Sun, 24 Nov 1996 WzrdKing@aol.com wrote:
> PS, I for one would gladly bring back hobbits in exchange for removing the
> authenticity police. I'd rather not have hobbits mind you, but I think on the
> whole they tended to be more agreeable to be around.

Wow! I think I have been very lucky in my SCA experience that "Authenticity
Police" have been as rare as hobbits. Nearly all of the extremely
authentically-lifestyled folks that I know are not at all demanding
about pushing their lifestyle on me. Not even the blood relatives.
They can be really enthusiastic about their projects, zealous even,
but never could their enthusiasm for their own Waycool Stuff be
translated to criticism for my Mediocre Stuff. (But it sure encourages
me to be better/try harder/jump higher!)

I've found that anyone who is so rude as to be obnoxiously vocal to
someone else in the SCA is like that outside the SCA as well. It has
nothing to do with their being authentic, and everything to do with
their being rude, snotty, exclusionary, and insecure. They have
finally found some area where they feel superior and want everyone
else to know it. (The rest of us, who have been superior all our lives,
learned from an early age to downplay superiority if you want the
other kids to play with you... :^)

I've actually found there to be more "Brutely Police" than there are
"Authenticity Police" -- these are the rare fighters who try to lord it
over other fighters, or are mean, bullying, or rude w/regards to
fighting...sink your teeth into THAT biscuit! :^)

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