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Re: group names

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>

> Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@wolfstar.com> 
> > > In the winter are those in Charlottesville Isinfurriers? 
> > > Miriam E 
> > It just becomes the land of the 'Isensnow'! Miriam R 
> >A snowball appears out of nowhere and whizzes by Miri's head... no 
> >wait, 
> wrong tavern.< 
> Aaaarrrrrgggghhh! 
> Though when I was *in* Isenfir I thought that "ice'n'snow" referred 
> to Black Diamond... and last 12th Night did naught to dispel that 
> notion. 
> Evan 
<Duck> Well, actually, it first referred to Charlottesville winters like the 
one that finally caused UVA to close for snow for the first time in 150 
years('Isensnow')....a few years later, it became a reference to Black Diamond 
("ice'n'snow").  The idea originally came from the Led Zeppelin song, as I 
recall...they slurred it into the 'Land of the Isensnow', which I thought 
described the winter pretty well, having come from Texas.....


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