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MR: Cuidado, hay tiburones!

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Ed Hopkins)

Anarra Karlsdottir wrote:
> > > Corby de la Flamme won for best sharking in Hole-in-the-Wall.

Lord Kendrick Wayfarer asked:
> > Does anyone happen to know more about the shark that Corby used
> > to win.  A dear friend of mine, who has since returned to the
> > Middle Kingdom, taught me many different types of sharks for
> > Hole-in-the-Wall, including a particular method of sharking
> > four people at once.  She also hinted at an eight person shark
> > she had seen once.

Mistress Branwynn Ottersby giddily answered:
> There were rumours in the streets out here that it was a Tigershark
> that he raised by hand from a pup...there was one report that it
> was a Hammerhead, but in any case, it was surely ravenous...

If it was a Tigershark, it probably wasn't known to Lord Kendrick's
Middling friend, since Tigersharks are proper to the East Kingdom.

-- Alfredo
A dozen dancers   dart about,
Lords and ladies,   laughing, curtsy
And bow, bringing   palms forward but
Touching not together;  they twist apart,
Weaving their  wlonkful way.
Amidst the mead-sweet   merry melody,
Suddenly,   a sad sound:
The viol-da-gamba   vibrates vigorously,
An ominous ostinato   oo-doo, oo-doo, oo-doo.
Swiftly and surely,   shark happens.

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

He hade vpon vche pece,
Wypped ful wel and wlonk;
The gayest into Grece,
The burne bede bryng his blonk.
Whyle the wlonkest wedes he warp on hymseluen --
His cote wyth the conysaunce of the clere werkez
Ennurned vpon veluet, vertuus stonez
Aboute beten and bounden, enbrauded semez,
And fayre furred withinne wyth fayre pelures --
3et laft he not the lace, the ladiez gifte,
That forgat not Gawayn for gode of hymseluen.
   "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight"

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