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An apology to Lord Kensei
Poster: Temp Receptionist <DC.TEMP@novell.com>
In public I would like to takt this chanc to apologise for the
misunderstanding Lord Kinsei.
# 1 you are quite right..I had absolutely no business taking such a familiar
and disrespectful tone with you...I there for retract anything using the
#2 you did use the frase "really poor people". I do here and now
appologise for taking offense...I obviously misunderstood your meaning.
#3 Being neither a good typist nor a truley compitent computer user...,I
do appologize for devulging what you apparently now in hind sight mean
for only my eyes..I assumed since it was written and mailed that is was
public knowledge...I am an oldfashioned girl who was taught only to put
things in writing you meant to have read...I amd therefore very sorry you
meant otherwise.
#4 I appologise for taking you feelings and opinions on authenticity as a
personal affront...you are obviously very hurt that nyone whould feel
you had anything other than the best intentions at heart...and I am sure
you advice was meant only to help those who need it.
I do not retract my prayer. TO quote and old spanish toast
amor,dinero y salud
y el tiempo para gozar lo
love, money and health
and the time to enjoy them
I sign my name in honor of the dream
Lady Maria Beatriz la Mora O.P.
Daughter of House White Wing
Sister of Rolling Thunder
Ponte Alto
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