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The Revenge of Bards Keep...(new addresses)
Poster: Bards keep <s0jswelc@atlas.vcu.edu>
Unto the Merry Rose does Bryce de Byram send greetings!
Good Gentles all,
Well that motley crew( pun intended ) that
Niall calls Bard's Keep: Bryce de
Byram, Niall Dolphin( the artist formerly know as Niall
McFarlane), and Susanna Grey have finally moved in to our new
home.Our address is as follows:
5515 D Pony Farm Dr.
Richmond, Va 23227
e-mail for Bryce and Niall remains:
(we're back on line after a long absence... so those of you
trying to reach either of us,or Susie for that matter, do have a
way to contact us again.Eogan, Efen, etc-this means you!)
e-mail for Susanna Grey remains:
We've decided to do wassailing instead of our usual bardic circle
night on the 18th.We'll start at 7:30 at the new place and we
plan to hit a few predetermined houses of Barony
members.Directions will be given out at the Business meeting
tomorrow night( which will be at the Library, by the way) and
also at fighter practices.If you would like to open your house to
caroling on the 18th, please call us or e-mail if you please.
Many thanks and much Joy to everone this Holiday season....
BdeB,poeta miltarous
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