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Fwd: RE: January Exchequer Letter

Poster: "Hinson, Jerome" <hinson.msalan3@mhs.unc.edu>

REVISED WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1996 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Many thanks to Louise Sugar for the text conversion)

Unto the Exchequers and Seneschals of the Merry Rose
and the Fiscally Interested,
Greetings from Lady Ursula von Bremen.

Um.  One of my readers has pointed out a *serious* faux pas (that's 
French for boo-boo) in my January Acorn letter.  Here is a revised 
version.  The changes appear in paragraphs 10 and 11 (they are items 
numbered 3 and 4 in my spiel about warranting paperwork.

Ducking for cover,

Happy New year to all from Lady Ursula von Bremen, 
Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer!

Many thanks to those of you who took the opportunity to attend Unevent to 
meet and interact with your counterparts through the Kingdom.  Please 
know, Exchequers of Atlantia, that your service is Greatly Appreciated.  
Exchequer certainly isn't the most Glamerous of Jobs, but just watch what 
happens if you fall asleep at the switch.  Then again, I hope none of you 
ever has the occasion to find out.

By this time, your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarterly Reports, plus the financial 
reports from ALL events held by your group through November 30 should be 
in the hands of your Regional Deputy RIGHT NOW.  Your report for the 4th 
Quarter of 1996 should be in your Regional Deputy's hands no later than 
January 31st, and your Domesday/Year-End Report is due in the hands of 
your Regional Deputy no later than February 15th.

As I said last month, according to Kingdom and Society Law, failure to 
report as scheduled in Kingdom policy without PRIOR notice, or by the end 
of an extension, could get your branch suspended.  That means all events 
removed from the Kingdom Calendar until the end of the reporting period 
following the date that the missing reports are made up.  Plus a Public 
Announcement in the Acorn.  I kid you not.  If your group is not in 
compliance with this policy by January 31st, I WILL recommend that your 
group be suspended.  Please don't let this happen.  Contact your Regional 
Deputy as soon as possible if you're having difficulties, and keep your 
seneschal informed.

For the sake of the Regional Deputies, who are dealing with not one 
group, but 25 in the case of the Northern Region, 18 in the case of the 
Central Region and 10 in the case of the Southern Region, please do your 
part.  Get your reports in on time and keep us informed of any problems 
before they get out of hand.

Any seneschals or autocrats out there - if you're not sure if your group 
is in compliance, now would be a good time to check.  Seneschals, if your 
exchequer should suddenly bail out, guess who gets left holding the bag?

Let me also restate that all groups must have a copy of the October 1995 
version of the SCA, Inc. Chancellor of the Exchequer Officer's Handbook.  
This book contains the forms that you need for your quarterly reporting 
and for your Year End Reports, plus a lot of vital information that you 
need in order to do your job (not to mention eliminating the need for 
long-winded letters in the Acorn from Yours Truly).  You can't comply 
with the rules if you don't know what they are.  The quickest way for 
your group to obtain a copy is to send a check in the amount of $13.00, 
payable the The SCA Marketplace, to P.O. Box 360789, Milpitas, CA  
95036-0789.  Remember to indicate what the check is for and where the 
Handbook should be sent.  The Handbook comes either bound like the Known 
World Handbook, or punched for a 3-ring binder.  I recommend that you ask 
for 3-ring style, because it's easier to work with and a lot easier to 
make copies from.

I was hoping to present a complete roster of warranted exchequers to 
Their Majesties to sign, but when I attempted to compile said roster, I 
found that the warranting paperwork for most groups was incomplete.  For 
too many groups, I don't have any warranting paperwork at all.  For the 
record, here is what I need to have on file for each exchequer, including 
seneschals who are acting as exchequers:

[1]   A completed Warrant Request Form.  I prefer the October 1995 
version from the new Handbook, because it has a section outlining the 
exchequer's responsibilities, a space for the incoming exchequer to sign, 
indicating that they know What They're Getting Into and that they Agree 
to Do the Job, a space for the outgoing exchequer to sign, indicating 
their intent to resign and a section for the incoming exchequer's SCAdian 
and modern information.

[2]   A letter of endorsement signed by at least two of your group's 
officers, especially the seneschal (unless you are also the seneschal), 
indicating that you are an acceptable candidate for the job.  Please 
write the date on this letter.

[3]   A CLEAR photocopy of verification of your identification.  This can 
be a driver's license, student or employee ID.  If your state prohibits 
copying these documents (NC law prohibits the copying of drivers 
licenses), then have someone else witness the information and sign that 
they are witnessing the ID.

[4]   Proof of CURRENT SCA membership (Membership card, Acorn or TI label 
or a verified postcard from Milpitas).  Please write the group name and 
the date somewhere on the photocopy.

Out of 18 groups on North Carolina, for example:  I have no warranting 
paperwork on file for four of them.  Only four exchequers have sent me 
copies of their proof of SCA membership, three of which have expired (as 
far as I know).  Six have sent me proof of ID, two of which are 
unrecognizable as photos of anything.

An exchequer's warrant remains in effect for two years, unless they 
resign or are removed from office.  If you've been in office for more 
than two years, you need to renew your warrant.  If you've been at it 
that long, by the way, let me applaud you for your stamina.  Exchequers 
that last more than one term are a rarity, and proficient ones that last 
more than one term are worth their weight in gold.  There is currently no 
limit to the number of terms that a local exchequer may serve in this 

Please check your files.  If the warranting paperwork that you have on 
file doesn't meet the criteria as outlined above, I expect you to submit 
a complete set as soon as possible.  Remember to keep a set for your 
files.  I'm talking a stamp, an envelope and a few copies, here.  I 
intend to have a complete warrant roster for Their Majesties to sign by 
Twelfth Night.  Please chip in and help make this possible.  If you don't 
have a copy of the October 1995 version of the Warrant Request Form, 
please contact me now.

Now we move on to bank signature cards and Corporate Resolutions.  Your 
account must have at least the group exchequer and seneschal and myself 
listed as signatories.  How many other people are included is up to you, 
but please note:  according to Corporate Policy, all signatories must be 
current paid-up members of the SCA for as long as they are listed as 
signatories.  Therefore, you will also need to obtain photocopies of 
their proof of ID and membership.  I expect to see these with your 4th 
Quarter reports, if not sooner.  Even though I'll be a signatory on your 
account, you don't need a copy of my proof of ID and membership, since 
they're already on file with the Kingdom Seneschal and the Society 
Exchequer.  While I'm on the subject of  signatories, please note that 
the Current Policy states that signatories on your account must live at 
separate addresses, and may not include current Royalty or (I found this 
out last night) Landed Barons and Baronesses.  If your signature card is 
at odds with these criteria, I hate to say it, but . . .

As for Corporate Resolutions, you should write only the group name, the 
account number and the SCA Tax ID (94-1698556) on the form.  Leave 
everything else blank unless there is space for signatories' names, 
signatures and dates.  Don't sign where it says "Secretary".  Corporate 
Resolutions require the signature of the Secretary of the Society 
and an imprint of the Official Seal of the Society.  When you send me 
your signature and Resolution, please enclose two stamped envelopes;  one 
of them should have your bank's return address on it.  That way I can 
forward them to SCA Corporate a lot faster and they in turn can forward 
them more quickly to your bank.

(A hook appears from stage left)  "Hey.  Where'd that hook come from . . 
?"  In closing, keep up the good work, and may your reports balance and 
all that good stuff.  If ya got a problem, call.

In service I remain,

Done by my hand this 2nd day of December, A.S. XXX, being 1996 Gregorian 
at Castle Kappellenberg.

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| From: Louise Sugar <dragonfyr@tycho.com>
| To: "'Hinson, Jerome'" <hinson.msalan3@mhs.unc.edu>
| Subject: RE: January Exchequer Letter
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