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Re: Storvick,Ponte Alto and or Stierbach dance practice

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Aurora asks:
> Bambi asked for info about dance practices and Baron Corun answered:
> >Our dance mistress has moved to Highland Foorde, so Storviks dance
> >practices are currently on hold...
> Can it be simple coincidence that Roxbury Mill's Chronicler, Rapier Marshal
> and one-who-was-once-Exchequer have also moved to Highland Foorde? Is there 
> something going on there that we should know about? Inquiring minds want to 
> know.

Is this the Great Northern Atlantian Diaspora? Will we begin to hear more
and more people saying "Next year in Highland Foored? Should we strike up
a chorus of Babylon Is Falling?

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   |			They also serve
 Dark Horde by birth |		     who only lurk and pry
   Moritu by choice  |					Dark Horde Proverb
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