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Windmaster's Baronial Fighter Practice

Poster: Thomas Hudson <hudson@cs.unc.edu>

(Apologies for posting this here;  I've failed to get the word out as
widely as I ought've)

To all of the loyal subjects of Her Excellency Ceridwen Ferch Owen,
and those others whose overlords also pay homage to our good Majesties
of Atlantia,


  This month's Baronial Fighter Practice is being hosted by the Canton
of Kappellenberg, on the fifteenth day of December, the third Sunday of
the Advent season of this XXXI year of Our Society, that being the day
following the Yule revel in Attilium.

  Fighter practice will start officially at 1pm, but you're free to get
there earlier, and (unlike last month's site) bathrooms are open
from the early morning.  We have a large indoors room from 1 until 5
which will be brimming over with sewing machines, patterns, and helpful
seamstresses;  children's games, period sheet music & instruments, dance
manuals, and sundry cantonfolk of good cheer.  A $2 cookout will be held
at around 4pm;  in addition to the usual grilled foods, we'll have chili
(both vegetarian and meaty) and hot cider.  Show up by 2pm if you want
your head to be counted for food.  We hope for a strong showing from
the barony's rapier and heavy fighters, and archers as well - if the
site is judged too small we're in the process of setting up our own
private archery range nearby.  We're looking for a site to host our
traditional Sunday dance practice afterwards, since our usual room
in the university will be closed;  otherwise we may repair to lady
Jocetta's en masse for some singing - christmas carols, anyone?

  The site is the Chapel Hill Community Center, located on South Estes
Drive at the east foot of the Berg.  From 15-501 (either direction),
exit onto Franklin Street.  The last streetlight before you begin
climing the hill (the 3rd or 4th?) is Estes Drive;  turn left.  One
half block down the street on your right (beyond Pizza Hut, opposite
the post office, before University Mall) is a small wooden bridge
into the parking lot.  Park there - we'll be obvious.

  This is the last of the "Mobile Fighter Practices";  future months'
will be held at the new site in Pittsboro.  Details and directions
to that site should be available on Sunday.

Giovan Donato Falconieri, Seneschal
Kappellenberg, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia:  OCFA - LFET
// hudson@cs.unc.edu
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