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Boar's Head Carol

Poster: Matthew Allen Newsome <mnewsome@warren-wilson.edu>

In medieval English Xmas feasts, the centerpeice was often a roasted 
pig.  This was usually paid for by the rector of the college (the cheif 
disiplinary officer).  Here is a carol in praise of this Xmas feast.


CHORUS (to be sung twice after each verse)
Caput apri refero,
Reso`nens laudes Domino.

The bores hed in hondes I bringe,
With garlondes gay and birdes singinge!
I pray you all helpe me to singe,
	Qui estis in convivio.

The bores hede, I understond,
Is chef service in all this londe,
Whersoever it may be fonde,
	Servitur cum sinapio.

The bores hede, I dare well say,
Anon after the twelfthe day,
He taketh his leve and goth away--
	Exivit tunc de patria.


CHORUS:  (sing twice after each verse)
I bring in the head of boar,
Sing the praises of God.

The boar's head in hand I bring,
With garlands gay and birds singing!
I pray you all help me to sing,
	Who are in the dining hall.

The boar's head, I understand,
Is chief service in all this land,
Wheresoever in may be found,
	It is served with sharp mustard sauce.

The boar's head, I dare well say,
Soon after the twelfth day,
He takes his leave and goes away--
	He leaves out of his native land.
"Ye knowe ek that in forme of speche is chaunge
Withinne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem, and yet thei spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do."
	-- Geoffrey Chaucer (late 14th cent.)
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